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If you would like further in depth help with a cystitis or other acute illness then please get in touch or make an appointment for my half hour Drop In Phone/Zoom Clinic. Existing patients and those with short queries are welcome to use my FREE 15 minute Check in appointment for advice.
What is Cystitis?
Cystitis or a UTI (urinary tract infection) is a bacterial (usually E coli) or viral infection that can affect the bladder, the kidneys and the tubes connected to them, known as the ureters.
Bladder and related ureter infections (also known as Lower UTIs) typically cause a need to pee more often than usual, pain or discomfort when peeing, sudden urges to pee, feeling as though you're unable to empty your bladder fully, pain low down in your tummy, urine that's cloudy, foul-smelling or contains blood, feeling generally unwell, achy and tired.
Kidney and related ureter infections (Upper UTIs) typically cause a high temperature (fever) of 38C (100.4ºF) or above, pain in your sides or back, shivering and chills, nausea and vomiting, confusion, agitation or restlessness. Kidney infections always demand prompt treatment as they can damage the kidneys or spread into the bloodstream.
Is Cystitis a serious health problem?
While very debilitating and painful, most lower UTIs resolve on their own within a few days but the NHS advise that you seek medical help if you fit into any of the categories below as a kidney infection, STD (sexually transmitted disease) or other serious illness may be indicated:
See your GP for advice and treatment if:
you're not sure whether you have cystitis
your symptoms don't start to improve within a few days
you get cystitis frequently
you have severe symptoms, such as blood in your urine
you're pregnant and have symptoms of cystitis
you're a man and have symptoms of cystitis
your child has symptoms of cystitis
Some self help measures you can try:
Hydrate and Alkalise! Drink a glass of water every hour to flush out the bacteria and dilute your urine. Avoid coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, sugar or acidic fruit juice as they irritate the bladder. Or try Alkalising the urine which helps to reduce bacteria and sooth the bladder: put 5ml Bicarbonate of soda in a small glass of water, drink 2 - 3 times a day. (* Avoid this if you have high blood pressure or are at risk of preeclampsia in pregnancy though as it has a high salt content). Drinking cranberry juice or taking the supplement D-mannose can be helpful as a preventative measure for those with repeated bouts of cystitis, as it reduces E coli in the bladder. It appears to be less successful however when an infection is already present.
Can I use Homeopathy for Cystitis?
First Aid Homeopathy means that you will need an homeopathic remedy kit as part of your home medicine cabinet such as the Helios Homeopathic Pharmacy 'Basic 36' (30c) and 'Emergency' kits (200c). If you don't yet have a kit, you can call Helios and they will advise over the phone and send the right remedies out the same or next day. You may also find the remedy you are looking for at your local Holland & Barrett or health food store.
If you suffer from cystitis frequently then a visit to your doctor alongside constitutional homeopathic treatment to address your overall health is recommended. If you need help right now for cystitis then you can try one of the remedies from the list below. Choose the remedy where the symptoms listed for it fit best to your symptoms. You may not have all the symptoms, but one or two will stand out.
Sharp, STINGING pains in lower abdomen * Frequent urge to pee * Urine scanty, hot and perhaps bloody * Stinging and burning are felt especially with the LAST FEW DROPS * Symptoms are worse for heat, better for cold * The person may also experience soreness in the abdomen * THIRSTLESS *
Burning sensation along urethra * Bladder sensitive to JARRING * Scanty urine, HIGHLY COLOURED or urine bright red with small blood clots in it * Urging continues even after peeing * Frequent, intense urging to pee * Bladder feels very sensitive * Cramping/writhing feeling in the bladder area *
Urine SLIMY/GREASY with mucus in it * Burning, radiating pains worse during and after passing urine, & during rest * Twinges of cutting pain * Burning feeling extending to urethra and its opening * Urethra may also burn when not attempting to urinate * After peeing ends, person FEELS AS IF URINE LEFT INSIDE * Walking aggravates *
Strong urging to pee with cutting pains felt BEFORE urine passes, as well as DURING & AFTER * Only a FEW DROPS pass at a time, with SCALDING sensation * CONSTANT URGE urge to urinate * Dragging sensation in bladder *
Frequent urge to pee, made worse by COUGHING, SNEEZING * Sensitive to COLD * Wants to pee but no urine comes yet 10 minutes later INVOLUNTARY passage of urine * ITCHING around urethral opening * Can have vaginal discharge *
Attack comes on after getting DAMP and COLD after exercise * Worse AUTUMN * Urine bloody and frequent *
DULL distressing pain * FULL feeling in bladder, even after urinating * Urging and discomfort more intense when the bladder has just been emptied * Symptoms improve as the bladder become more full again *
Desire to pee frequently during the NIGHT and passes LARGE AMOUNTS of urine * May feel a painful urge, but has to STRAIN to make the urine come * Pain may be felt in the BACK before the urine starts * Dragging feeling in bladder * If FEVER is present, urine has a reddish tinge, there is discomfort in kidney area, the person should see a GP - suspect Kidney infection *
Nux Vomica
Frequent, painful urging with little urine * IRRITABLE bladder with constant desire to urinate but passes only small amounts * Burning or CRAMPING pain felt in the bladder area * Itching in urethra as urine passes * Person can be irritable, impatient, chilly * Symptoms better for hot baths or a hot water bottle *
Burning pains come on as urination ends * Urine THICK and CLOUDY * Flakes or sediment in the urine * Urgency and pressure to pass urine * Frequent urging is felt * Urine flows when the person is STANDING, but only dribbles while SITTING (you can test this by peeing in the shower) * Can be helpful when STONES are forming or the KIDNEYS are involved * THIRSTY *
SUDDEN urging, urinate frequently * Feeling that urine will LEAK if urination is delayed * Small amounts of involuntary urine loss * BEARING DOWN or dragging sensation in the bladder region * Pressure above pubic bone * Person feels irritable, worn-out * COLD extremities *
Often brought on by SEX or CATHETERISATION for an operation * Feeling in urethra feels as if a DROP OF URING IS ALWAYS TRICKLING ALONG IT * Constant burning sensation * Pressure in bladder after urinating, as if it is still not empty * Cystitis after BED REST *
High FEVER * Excruciating PAIN bladder area * Bladder HARD and SWOLLEN * Persons feels very RESTLESS * Person has a sense of HURRY *
Frequent urging * Burning sensation as urine is passed * PAIN in small of BACK * Blood in urine * Person feels DROWSY * TINGLING in ears * TONGUE shiny and red * Symptoms worse for REST and better for WALKING in open air *
What's the correct dose?
You should take one dose (one pill) in the 200c potency if you have it to hand, and then wait (unless you are a sensitive person - ie. a tendency to allergies - in which case you should use 30c potency only). Repeat after 20 minutes if necessary. If you only have 30c potency then you can give more ie. three or four times, 20 minutes apart each time. If the patient does not feel any relief, try the next remedy on the list that appears to fit best to the patient's symptoms.
PS. Put the remedy under the tongue and let it dissolve in the mouth. If possible avoid eating and drinking for 10 minutes before and after taking the remedy, as well as touching it with your hands - try tipping it into your mouth from the bottle lid, or with a clean spoon.
​Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only and not intended to replace the advice of your physician or health care provider. First aid situations may require medical or hospital care. Do not use this article as a means to diagnose a health condition. Speak to your doctor if you think that your condition may be serious, before discontinuing any medication that has been prescribed for you, or before starting any new treatment.