tel: +44 7963 555235
Skype: Helix Homeopathy
Whatsapp: PaulaWebb/Helixhomeopath
Visitors to Helix Homeopathy
At the Consultation
Your Story
Homeopathy views your overall physical and emotional well being, along with your current symptoms, as the guide to help select the particular remedy for you.
We will explore your current complaint but also your past medical history, your lifestyle and habits, likes and dislikes. Everything about you is relevant. I will be taking detailed notes throughout the session, and aided by state of the art homeopathic software Vithoulkas Compass, we will arrive at the best remedy for you.
First consultation: 1.5 - 2 hours (1 - 1.5 hours for children)
Follow up: 45 mins – 1 hour (30-45 mins for children), usually 4 to 6 weeks apart.
Some patients will only require one or two appointments, others with chronic conditions may need more.